Shahmir Azhar

I'am Shahmir

A Digital Marketer allaround SEO Specialists that help you rank high on Google


A Digital Marketing Specialist allaround focus on search engine optimization (SEO) With over 5 years of experience in the industry, My expertise in SEO includes keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building strategies. I have helped businesses across various industries improve their online visibility and attract more organic traffic to their websites.




Since I’ve been working in the field of digital marketing for more than five years, I’ve successfully completed SEO projects for practically all kinds of companies.

Having Expert SEO Consulting Experience in Dubai The key to a successful SEO strategy is to create a custom plan for each organization. I will perform a thorough SEO audit on your website to swiftly harvest all of the SEO low hanging fruit for you.

I also have more than 5 years of expertise with web development, which helps me comprehend all the components of design and user interface, enhancing my ability to perform cutting-edge technical SEO.



Explaining My Custom SEO Strategy for Dubai

All of your profitable rivals already have an SEO solution or strategy in place, indicating that they have a well-established SEO strategy in place.

Second, each niche is unique. We conduct a bespoke audit and competitive analysis before developing an SEO strategy for any client because the methodology to rank every niche differs due to the fact that Google regards every business niche differently.

Contact me for a cost-effective & reliable SEO strategy if you’re seeking for a dedicated SEO partner for your company.


Throughout my journey in Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization , I have successfully executed over 50+ SEO projects. My experience spans from aiding start-ups to local enterprises and prominent Fortune companies. Dive into my notable SEO endeavors and insightful case studies.

Coming Soon


With a dynamic landscape like SEO, my journey has been both challenging and rewarding. Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in various aspects of SEO, from the intricacies of on-page optimizations to the strategic outreach of off-page initiatives


Company Name


SEO Specialists

Connect Resources


Digital Marketing Manager

KI High Voltage


Digital Marketing Specialist 



Digital Marketing Executive

Astu Software

Ultricies Esta / Denver
C++ Developer


Diam Quam / San Francisco
Senior Developer


Ercusa / San Francisco
Senior Developer


Reesturato / New York




In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, possessing a diverse set of skills is crucial. My expertise spans across both broad digital marketing strategies and specific SEO tactics, ensuring holistic and targeted online visibility.

On-Page SEO
Technical SEO
Off-Site/Off-Page SEO
Content Writing/Optimization


With a dynamic landscape like SEO, my journey has been both challenging and rewarding. Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in various aspects of SEO, from the intricacies of on-page optimizations to the strategic outreach of off-page initiatives

Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University Hyderabad

St. Xavier School

St. Xavier School

Digital Marketing Specialist

SEO Expert Services In Dubai



Optimizing Website Infrastructure for Search Excellence

Technical SEO is fantastic. Technical SEO has become quite crucial recently to rank even tiny local businesses, and I frequently go above and beyond for the love of it.

I’ll optimize your website to be both user- and search engine-friendly, as improved user experience & higher SERP rankings are both facilitated by technical SEO optimizations.

Speed is a ranking element, and Google has made it official. I have a ton of expertise about how to make the page as fast as possible.

I can swiftly optimize your website for optimal speed delivery on poor data connection speeds because to my experience optimizing a large number of domains dispersed across several CMSs. This will result in a lower bounce rate, higher ranks, and more sales.

The performance of the website is influenced by several variables, such as your web host, web design, media, scripts, third-party trackers, etc. We’ll synchronize everything, set up your website’s caching strategies, and optimize the scripts to enhance user experience overall and subsequently improve SERP rankings in search.

Both local and global SEO rankings consider how quickly a website loads.

Content Optimization


Crafting Content for Maximum Visibility and Engagement

The king of SEO in 2020 remains content. Just generating content isn’t enough; I can assist Small Businesses and Start-Ups in producing interesting, SEO-optimized content copy that will raise keyword relevancy without negatively affecting the SEO experience.

To increase conversions, I will direct your resources in producing the best content for your audience.

Alternatively, you can entrust me with handling your needs for SEO content. To produce top-notch material for your website or blog, I will collaborate with my content marketing team.

Having developed over seven publishing blogs that are active in the United States, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates, I have vast experience in the creation and curation of SEO material.

You may therefore be sure that if you trust me with your SEO content marketing, you will be confident that if you give me the responsibility for your SEO Content marketing, you will see a significant improvement in user engagement as well as an overall rise in SERP rankings for your entire website.

On-Page SEO


Fine-Tuning Webpages for Search Dominance

On-Page SEO includes Content Optimization, Title and Meta tag optimization, optimal keyword density verification, and optimized picture alt attribute optimization. This step’s entire purpose is to make sure that your content is extremely focused on your keyword and other associated search terms, and that you address any questions that users may have.

Additionally, in order to maximize the influence on Google Search Rankings, I link the landing sites together using a crucial internal linking structure that ensures the greatest link equity may pass between all of the money pages.

I make sure that excellent page content is supported by optimized headers, descriptions, and meaningful picture alt attributes, along with any Structured Data, where applicable.

On-Page SEO also uses mobile responsiveness and optimized Page URLs.

Off-Page Off-Site SEO A.K.A Link Building


Building External Authority and Digital Trust

For your company’s name, goods, or services, off-site off-page SEO provides a strong brand that promotes brand awareness. In order to ensure that your website receives the most link equity possible, we create cutting-edge white hat link building tactics.

For each business or client, I develop a customized plan because every website and market has unique needs.

To ensure there is no current link spam on the domain, I always follow up my off-site SEO with a thorough backlink audit. Penguin 4.0 penalizes both good and bad links; it also flags your website if you have too many of those, which may result in a manual action down the road.

Be assured that I am a Penguin 4.0 ready link builder. I am well-versed in branding and digital PR, and I make sure that every customer receives high-quality backlinks from reliable, pertinent sources.


In today’s digital age, staying informed is more crucial than ever. That’s where my blog comes into play. Dive deep into a reservoir of insights, tips, and stories curated specially for On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Technical SEO, & staying updated with the lastest trends.

Why Clients love to Choose 

Client Satisfaction
45 %
1.2 K+
75 +

Cover Letter

Ready To Boost & Reach New Height

Over the years, I have honed my expertise in all aspects of SEO, including keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building strategies.

I have a proven track record of developing and implementing effective SEO campaigns that have helped businesses across various industries improve their online visibility and attract more organic traffic to their websites.

I am excited to collaborate with you and share my knowledge, and experience to your business and reach your business high in the sky and generate amazing fortune.


Discover first hand the experiences, successes, and feedback from those who’ve journeyed with me. Their stories stand as a testament to our commitment, expertise, and the tangible difference we bring to every project.

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Planning to rank higher than your competitors you are just a step away. Fill up the form on the right side & lets together #1 rank your website on GOOGLE

Reach Out & Let’s Connect

Name: Shahmir Azhar
Address: Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971-568-585-238
Email: [email protected]



